Transaction Services
Purchaser Due Diligence
Technical due diligence (TDD) is an essential step for any property acquisition. It provides certainty around the physical condition of the asset and provides long term R&M / capex cost data to assist with your financial appraisal modelling.
Cedar Tree provide detailed, commercially realistic TDD reports. We will tailor our reporting to meet your needs and the nature of the property transaction and will ensure all inspection and reporting is completed to your timetable. Our TDD reporting can include any or all of the following components:
Building structure
Building roof fabric and façade – including abseil façade inspection where appropriate
Building services – mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, fire and vertical transportation
Specified life safety systems review and NZBC gap analysis
Environmental and hazardous material assessments
Accessibility assessment
R&M / capex cost reporting
Vendor Due Diligence
Vendor technical due diligence (VTDD) reports are used to support the sale of a property.
Cedar Tree VTDD reports provide an independent assessment of the asset condition and can accelerate the sales process by removing the need for purchasers to undertake their own TDD engagements. Cedar Tree VTDD reports can be assigned to the purchaser upon request.
Our inspection and reporting process allows the Vendor to rectify identified issues before the building is marketed. Our R&M / capex schedules (typically provided to the Vendor only) provide the Vendor with accurate cost data to assist with sale price negotiations.